[cat_use] => stdClass Object
[labels] => stdClass Object
[name] => 用途
[singular_name] => 用途
[search_items] => Search 用途
[popular_items] => Popular 用途
[all_items] => All 用途
[parent_item] => Parent 用途
[parent_item_colon] => Parent 用途:
[edit_item] => Edit 用途
[view_item] => カテゴリーを表示
[update_item] => Update 用途
[add_new_item] => Add new 用途
[new_item_name] => New 用途 name
[separate_items_with_commas] => Separate 用途 with commas
[add_or_remove_items] => Add or remove 用途
[choose_from_most_used] => Choose from the most used 用途
[not_found] => カテゴリーが見つかりませんでした。
[no_terms] => カテゴリーなし
[items_list_navigation] => カテゴリーリストナビゲーション
[items_list] => カテゴリーリスト
[menu_name] => 用途
[name_admin_bar] => 用途
[archives] => All 用途
[description] =>
[public] => 1
[publicly_queryable] => 1
[hierarchical] => 1
[show_ui] => 1
[show_in_menu] => 1
[show_in_nav_menus] => 1
[show_tagcloud] => 1
[show_in_quick_edit] =>
[show_admin_column] =>
[meta_box_cb] => post_categories_meta_box
[rewrite] => Array
[with_front] => 1
[hierarchical] => 1
[ep_mask] => 0
[slug] => use
[query_var] => cat_use
[update_count_callback] =>
[_builtin] =>
[label] => 用途
[show_in_rest] =>
[rest_base] =>
[cap] => stdClass Object
[manage_terms] => manage_categories
[edit_terms] => manage_categories
[delete_terms] => manage_categories
[assign_terms] => edit_posts
[name] => cat_use
[object_type] => Array
[0] => case_pt
[ID] => 11
[key] => field_573bc4fc7031b
[label] => 用途
[name] => use
[prefix] =>
[type] => select
[value] => use1
[menu_order] => 2
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => 9
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[_name] => use
[_input] =>
[_valid] => 1
[choices] => Array
[use1] => 通電検査
[use2] => 接続・締結・固定・圧入
[use3] => 針
[use4] => 穴あけ
[use5] => 支点
[use6] => 噴出
[default_value] => Array
[allow_null] => 1
[multiple] => 0
[ui] => 0
[ajax] => 0
[placeholder] =>
[disabled] => 0
[readonly] => 0
名 称 |
プランジャー |
業 種 |
半導体 |
用 途 |
通電検査 |
材 質 |
Pd合金 |
寸 法 |
φ0.3mm |
精 度 |
±0.002mm |
特 徴 |
超微細加工 ギザピッチ0.1mm 全長1mm |